Apr 2, 2009

Never Trust These Fools(NTTF)

A lot told about the often taking places terrorist attacks in India. There are wide spread rumors are that LTTE left for Kerala cost too!! Oh! how can we leed a peaceful life in such a country which is often under the threat of these b******s? What do these f*****s really want to?

A high volume of frustration makes the so called terrorists, I think. Frustration ca be famine,religion,race and of course "EDUCATION" too.

The young minds were given strong hope that the nation is in safe hands in the journey towards a prosperous and corrupt free nation through the quality education extended to them. But unfortunately still we sail unanchored on troubled seas!!

Institution becomes a butcher's shop where you will get with money but should n't expect any sort of quality. Money is the mother's milk of politics as well as today's education system.....right?(though there are some exceptional cases!)

We often watch the ear to ear smiling of some third rate politicians which hardly flashes sincerity..But I (we) never expected the same from a prestigious(?) training center.Can anyone blame me if I did believe blindly in such an institution? But the the systematic cheating system tells us the recession can also be good and in 2012 we(India) will be the world major by pushing USA&Europeans. SO what else we are supposed to do?

Answer is simple:"Anyway bank will cease your home and undoubtedly you will be homeless!! Don't worry! Don't you have the HRP(Human Relation Principles) in your pocket? Just keep reading!! It will teach you how to think straight. There is waiting a palatial building for you by 2012. Then who the hell are you to cry man? Can't you tell me the hell did you study from here?no... then go through the(Bloody) HRP.."

I really get puzzled....will it solve all my problems? I opened it with curiosity....YES.. I could find it!!


Now everybody happy......na???

Then tell me can we blame terrorists.......!!!


Viswa.V.M. said...

Syllabus is good BUT Teaching is not Good.
NO proper guidance & practical thinking.
NTTF is the Image of Partiality.
NTTF Advertisament - 100% Placement But No 100% Placement.

As My Conclution Positive thinks are there But !!!!

Negative thinks are Domination the positive things...

Finally NTTF Trainees LIFe is ? ! ( I can't say in words )..

seo said...

-!ck off!!!

Unknown said...

NTTF is good for studies not for others.
BUT the staff and management (not all)always they use to plays with the trainee life it is one of the waste culture they have.
EVERYbody is the "INDIVIDUAL HERO&HEROIN IN NTTF" ,nowhere you can is this many superstars at atime.
WARDEN of NTTF we won't get any where because they are the god's for principles like kntc(KKoshy).

anish said...

1 day Lord decided 2 visit earth...
He saw a man crying.
Lord ask, "y r u crying, my son?"
he said that he was blind.
Lord touched him and he could see
He met anodr man crying nd asked, "y r u crying my son?"
man ws born a cripple and cant walk.
Lord touched him and he could walk.
Lord met anodr man crying and asked, "y r u crying, my son?"
he said, "Lord, I am studying in Nttf college! "
Lord sat down and cried with him.(pas it n save d poor!)

f**k off

Anonymous said...

I personally believe there isnt any sought of politics involved in the way nttf functions. They r jus try'n to meeting their own standards. A standard which is a benchmark that cant toppled by any other institute.
the systematic cheating ur talkn abt is valid but it must also be said they r unable to provide the quality of education they intend to provide. they r incapable. but i'd be terrible sad if in future with the worst in recession over more & more students being made scapegoats. Forget abt a proserous nation if institutions like these flourish & manage to survive.

Anonymous said...

NTTF is great for teaching ,if you did Btech after NTTF .you will understand that..